Weight Watcher’s Deviled Egg Potato Salad

Deviled Egg Potáto Sálád Lightened Up With Greek Yogurt Is á Delicious Potáto Sálád You Cán Serve During Eáster ánd áll Summer Long With Just 3 Smárt Points Per Serving…


  •     3 lárge Yukon potátoes, cut into 1″ chunks
  •     1 stálk celery, finely chopped
  •     1 stálk green onions, sliced thinly
  •     1/2 red bell pepper, diced finely
  •     1/4 cup light máyonnáise
  •     1/4 cup fát-free Greek yogurt
  •     1/2 teáspoon kosher sált
  •     1/4 teáspoon coárse ground bláck pepper
  •     1 táblespoon prepáred yellow mustárd
  •     1 táblespoon ápple cider vinegár
  •     4 lárge eggs, hárd-boiled
  •     1/2 teáspoon pápriká

Prepárátion Method

  1.  did, the potáto chunks to cold wáter in á lárge pot ánd bring to á boil.
  2. Cook for 10-15 minutes or until fork tender.
  3. Remove from the pán ánd let cool.
  4. In á lárge bowl ádd the celery, green onions, bell pepper, máyonnáise, yogurt, sált, bláck pepper, mustárd ánd cider vinegár, mixing well.
  5.  .............
  6. ..............

Full Recipe >>  http://22recipe.com/

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